Cesky Terrier
Breeders Club

Breed: Czech

Land of Origin: Czech Republic

Translation: Dipl. Ing. Katerina Beckova

Publication Date of the Original Standard: 24. 5. 1963

Utilization: Formerly a Terrier breed for hunting foxes and badgers, today more a house – and Companion dog.

Breed classification: Group III – terriers

section 2 – short legged terriers Without a working trial

History of the breed: Cesky Terrier is a result of the intentional crossbreed of a Sealyham Terrier dog and a Scotch Terrier bitch with the aim to get a fully pigmented, light-weight, shortlegged and easy mastered dog with practical smaller dropped ears and easy hair grooming. Mr. František Horák from Klánovice near Prague started the breed improving in 1949. The breed was the řirst time showed in 1959 (under the name Cesky Terrier).

General appearance: Short-legged, longhaired, stalwart and well muscled Terrier with medium sized dropped ear, oblong frame. Thoroughbred and very elegant.

Ideal measures:  dogs  bitch

withers height 29 cm 27 cm

head length 21 cm 20 cm

head width 10 cm 9 cm

thorax girth
(behind the elbows) 45 cm 44 cm

oblique trunk length 43 cm 40 cm

Character: Equanimous, not aggressive, well mastered, pleasant, merry companion, to foreign people reserved. Markedly more calm and peaceable than other Terriers. His character is another type as by other Terriers.

Head: Head is long, it forms an obtuse, but not very wide angle. Nose dark and well formed. The upper skull outline forms a sharp angle with the upper nose line.

Cranial region:

Skull: The skull between the ears is not too wide and gets slightly narrower in the direction to the eye bows. The eye bows are remarkable, the occiput well touchable. The skull furrow is slight decided.

Stop: Small, but remarkable. Face:

Nose: Dark and well formed. The nose is black by Terriers with the grey-blue coat, it is livery by Terriers with the light-coffee coloured coat.

Bridge of nose: Straight.

Jaws and teeth: Jaws are strong, sciccors or level bite. The dentition should be – if possible – complete; missing M3 should not be penalized. Teeth strong, regular and correct standing.

Lips: Relatively thick, well closed. Cheeks: Flat, not too protruding.

Eyes: Of medium size, rather deeper set, with a peaceful expression. They are well covered by the overhanging coat. The eyes are brown or dark brown by grey-blue Terriers and light brown by light-coffee ones. The eye lids are black by grey-blue Terners and livery by light-coffee ones.

Ears: Of medium size, dropped, well closing the ear hole. They are set relatively high and they iit tightly to the temples. They are triangular shaped with the shorter side at the point, where the ear breaks. The ear break is slightly above the top line of the skull.

Neck: Middle long, a little shorter than the head (2-3 cm), relatively strong, set higher leaned carried elegant vaulted. The skin on the neck is a little looser, but it forms no fold.

Body: Longer.

Top line: Not straight, in loins and rump always slíghtly vaulted. Very elastic.

Withers: Not too pronounced.

Back: Strong, of medium length.

Loins: Relatively long, muscular, wide and slightly vaulted.

Rump: Strongly developed, muscular, pelvis slightly sloping. Hips often higher than the withers.

Chest: Wide, well developed. Chest depth corresponds with about 1/2 of the withers height. More cylindrical as deep, ribs nicely curved.

Belly: Roomy and slightly put in. Groins filled.

Tail: Ideal length 18 to 20 cm, relatively strong and low set. At rest hangs down or slightly bents up at the end. In affect the tail is carried sable-formed horizontally or higher. The straighten tail must reach ideally only to the heel.


Forequarters: Should be straight, strong and parallel. Their lenght corresponds with one half of the withers height.

Shoulders: Muscular.

Elbows: Loose, but neither turned in nor out.

Paws: Large with well bent toes and strong claws. Soles thick and well developed.

Hindquarters: Parallel, strong, well angled and muscular.

Calfs: Short.

Heel: Relatively high set above the earth,strongly developed.

Paws: Smaller than those by the forelegs.

Gait: Free, roomy, solid, regular and vivid. Gallop is slower, but long lasting. The forelegs move beside the body straight forward.

Skin: Strong, robust, loose but without folds or lobs. Pigmented.


Hair quality: Hair is long, fine but firm, only slightly waved and silky sheeny, not too exuberant. Falling down, neither curly nor stuck out. The body and extremities lines must by anytime recognisable.Hair is groomed by scissors (cutting). Hair is not cut on the foreface and above eyes and it forms eyes brows and a beard. The hair remains uncut on the inferior part of the legs, chest and belly. The hair should be on the upper side of the neck, shoulders and back 1 to 1,5 cm long for shows. The hair is very short on the ears, cheeks, throat, breast, shoulders, elbows, things, calfs and around the anus. The transition between the cut and uncut part should be gentle.


Cesky Terrier exists in two colour varieties: – grey-blue (puppies are born black)
– light coffee-broy~~ (puppies are born chocolate brown)

Yellow, grey and whíte marks are permítted on the head (cheeks and underjaws), throat, on the chest and belly, on the lower parts of legs and around the anus by both colour types. Sometimes there is a white collar or a white point on the tail tip. The basic colour must be always prevalent.

Height and weight: Height between 25 and 32 cm. The ideal height is 29 cm for dogs and 27 cm for bitches.The weight must not be smaller than 6 kg and higher than 10 kg. The ideal weight is 8 kg for dog and 7 kg for bitch.

Faults: All deviations to the former text should be considered to be faults and their appreciation must be in the straight relationship to the deviation magnitude.

– weak skeleton, weak chest

– weak, short or too pointed foreface with weakly developed teeth

– missing one incisor

– canine wedged in (the canine tip pointing in the gum between the last incisor and canine in the upper jaw)

– changeable nose

– too big or protruding eyes

– too long or too small ears, ears of different shape or carried in a different way, than mentioned in the standard

– crooked forelegs, incorrect postures – too short or too long and soft back – thin or too coarse coat, curly hair

Excluding faults:

– cryptorchidism

– ectropion, entropion – undershot or overshot

– missing of 4 and more teeth

– missing of two or more incisors – underbited canine (the canine tip pointing into the upper palate)

– chest measure more than 50 cm

– weight under 6 kg or above 10 kg

– irregular, jerky, spasmodic movements (Scottie cramps)

– curled or over body carried tail

– rought or crape, felt-like or woolly hair – more than 20 % of white coloured hair, white bless on the head

– strips in the long hair by adult Terners (older than 2 years)

– timid, hysterical or aggressive Terriers

N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently rcormal developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

hi SEO, s.r.o.
