Cesky Terrier is a product of intentionally crossbreeding Scotch and Sealyham Terrier by Mr. Horak from Klanovice from 1949. In 1963, Cesky Terrier was officially recognized by FCI as an indipendent breed (as the first Czech dog´s breed).
There were two raesons to improve the breeds:
1) to create an ideal compromise between two burrow breeds – Scotch Terrier and Sealyham Terrier – easy to control, quiet persevering, with drop ear (like Sealyham) and fully pigmented and can be well used for hunting (like Scotch).
2) to check up the possibility to rise a new breed from only a very little initial number of indidviduals. On Cesky Terrier origin participated only two dogs (Sealyham father and son) and one bitch (Scotch Terrier).
To the breed regeneration had been proceeded only one times in 1984 and 1985 (Sealyham Terrier bitch). Cesky Terrier is currently breed in the following countries:
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, Finland, Holland, Italy, Canada, Hungary, Germany, Norway, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and GB.